Monday, 13 July 2020

Gojkovic: Masks Have Fallen, Completely

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic strongly condemned the violence in front of the Serbian Assembly.

“I strongly condemn the brutal scenes of violence we once again saw in front of the National Assembly. Images of hooligans throwing shock bombs on the police, breaking the security cameras on the Serbian Assembly and the property belonging to all the citizens of our country, all the way down to the Nazi salute, show that their masks are completely off and that the inspirers of these riots stop at nothing, not even using the most gruesome violence as the last resort because Serbia’s progress and growth of its reputation and power hurts and wounds them. That is why the tenacity with which they try to undermine and attack Serbia and its citizens’ institutions it is not surprising, nor should anyone be surprised by Serbia’s resolve to protect these interests and not let violence win. Why are they attacking the police and defiling the cultural monument that is the National Assembly House? What political idea and programme should secure a better life for the citizens of Serbia is what every decent Serbian citizens would like to know?

The citizens of Serbia understand and are able to interpret the real motives hiding behind the false call to patriotism and feigned worry for our national interests. These are just empty phrases veiling the interests of those who want to profit by destroying peace and stability and Serbia’s strength.

It is clear that all the hatred poured against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who only yesterday strongly protected the interests of our country and citizens, as well as all the rocks, shock bombs or tear gas and the astonishing willingness to stomp on one’s own people’s interest cannot hide the truth about them – that these are just unsuccessful attempts to usurp the people’s will. They should all know that they cannot come into power by invading the highways or by violence in the streets and against the will of the Serbian citizens, but only through elections, where the citizens had plainly expressed their opinion on 21 June.”

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