Thursday, 9 July 2020

Gojkovic Condemns Demonstrators’ Violent Attacks in Front of Serbian Assembly and in Streets of Belgrade and Novi Sad

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic strongly condemned the demonstrators’ violent attacks on the National Assembly House and rioting in the streets of Belgrade and Novi Sad, as well as the attacks on City Hall and the media.

“I am appalled by the demonstrators’ rioting last night in front of the Serbian Assembly and in the streets of Belgrade and Novi Sad, and I most strongly condemn the vandalism of those who clearly stop at nothing, not even the most disgraceful violence to destabilize Serbia. They do not care about public health or protecting the citizens from COVID-19, they only care about causing chaos, riots and weakening the country’s position.

I ask all who view the protest with sympathy whether the images of Belgrade and Novi Sad last night are pictures of peaceful protests and if these are the actions of peaceful citizens expressing their dissatisfaction?

At the same time, the attack on the National Assembly as the house of all the citizens is an attack on democracy, and the state will protect all of our institutions and the electoral will of the citizens of Serbia.

The citizens of Serbia are appalled by the images of last night’s riots. This is not the image most of our citizens wants to see in their country because they want political and economic stability, a developing, ordered country that can bravely respond to all the challenges lying ahead.

All who encourage and are pleased by these acts of violence and mindlessness in front of the National Assembly and in Novi Sad where for the first time in history someone stormed the City Hall, have to know that they will not shake the representatives of the citizens or the Serbian leadership’s firm resolve to protect the interests of our country and our citizens. Serbia will not bow down before these brutes and hooligans inspired obviously by a wish to gain power without an election, with no support of the citizens of Serbia.”

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