Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Gojkovic Denounces Violent Invasion of National Assembly

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic keenly denounced the storming of the Serbian Assembly.

“I most keenly denounce yesterday’s invasion of the Serbian Assembly. The scenes of violence we saw in Belgrade and the blocking of ambulances at a time when many of our citizens are fighting COVID-19 cannot in any way contribute to the preservation of public health.

As a COVID-19 patient myself I know how difficult this disease we fight day after day is. While they are destroying Belgrade, doctors and nurses are fighting for human lives, investing their last ounce of strength and risking their own lives. This act of mindless hooliganism neither I, nor the majority of the citizens, recognize as something in Serbia’s interest.

At the same time, the inspirers of this vandalism show that their only intention is to cause chaos and riots and stop at nothing, even from this difficult challenge to their ends. At the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s call to unity in the difficult fight against the virus rocking the whole world, the instigators of these violent events, wishing to win cheap political points even in this situation, respond the only way they can – with hatred, violence and rioting. Everyone who wants to get into the Assembly contrary to the will of the citizen I would like to remind that the people’s trust is won in the elections, now with violence in the streets and by storming the Parliament. Serbia is an ordered state and will therefore be able to protect its democratic order and institutions, as well as the will the people expressed in the elections, and all who perpetrated violence will be sanctioned in accordance with the law“.

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