27 April 2016 Third Plenary Session of the National Convention on the European Union

27 April 2016 Third Plenary Session of the National Convention on the European Union

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

National Assembly Speaker at Third Plenary Session of National Convention on European Union

Addressing the Third Plenary Session of the National Convention on the European Union, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic stressed that cooperation with the National Convention paved the way to all the important social factors, and the citizens have demonstrated their clear dedication to the European path in the elections.

“The results of the elections clearly show the Serbian citizens’ commitment to Euro-integration and the reform processes conducted by the Government and that support is key for our continued progress toward Europe”, said the Speaker. She stressed that the EU accession process and membership remains Serbia’s strategic goal and chief foreign policy priority, and the inclusion of citizens and civil society organisations in the EU talks is extremely important for the dynamics of the process.

Gojkovic expects the National Convent to remain a strong institutional support and continue to contribute to the Parliament’s work, especially when it comes to giving opinions on Serbia’s negotiating positions.

She was pleased by the fact that the National Convention holds its sessions at the National Assembly House because the Serbian Parliament and Government continuously confirm Serbia’s commitment to building a democratic society, grounded in the rule of law and respect of human and minority rights, and building of efficient state institutions in line with the EU accession criteria.

The Head of the Negotiating Team for Serbia’s Accession to the European Union Tanja Miscevic said that the Convention’s model is a best practice example of cooperation with civil society, one emulated by other countries in the region.

Ksenija Milenkovic, Director of the European Integration Office, spoke about the excellent cooperation with the National Convention, saying that she believed that there are many other important topics and areas to which the cooperation of state institutions and the Convention could be expanded.

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  • 10.00 - the Head of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians Parliamentary Group Prof. Dr Balint Pasztor meets with the Serbian Ambassador in Hungary (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, library)

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