Friday, 19 June 2020

Press Release

Within its authority as stipulated by law, the Supervisory Board monitoring the actions of political parties, candidates and the media, has so far had six regular sittings where it considered issues concerning the relevant subjects’ actions during the pre-election activities.

To that end, it regularly analysed REM’s reports on the supervision of media service providers in the course of the pre-election campaign (six reviews in all, ending with 5 June 2020).

The Supervisory Board also considered all the memos sent by political parties or civil society bodies drawing attention to certain behaviours of the subjects in the electoral process (eg: Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, Transparency Serbia, etc.). The Supervisory Board issued statements or recommendations concerning these memos with the aim of advancing the actions of political parties or candidates in the course of the election.

The Supervisory Board also communicated with representatives of international organizations, Tanja Fajon and Vladimir Bilcik, members of the European Parliament’s delegation in the National Assembly’s Inter-Party Dialogue, and representatives of ODIHR. In these contacts, made via video-link due to the epidemic, the Supervisory Board shared information about its work and experiences, most common questions and problems encountered by the Supervisory Board or pointed out by the subjects participating in the electoral process.

The existing normative solutions regulating the authorities of the Supervisory Board were also subject of debate, as well as the relationship with other state bodies involved in the election and suggestions how to improve the work of the Supervisory Board and activities of different subject participating in the electoral process in general.

The Supervisory Board will draft and submit to the National Assembly a detailed report about all the important experience gained in the course of its work which will be useful not just to improve the Supervisory Board’s operation, but the whole electoral process and ultimately democratization of the overall relations in Serbia.

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