Wednesday, 15 July 2020

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic – Press Statement

“The establishment of the self-proclaimed and self-named “assembly” is just one more in a series of farces and acts aiming to undermine the legitimate institutions of the Republic of Serbia.

It is indicative that this is a clear intent to usurp the people’s will at a time when the recent parliamentary elections, through the freely expressed democratic will of the citizens, affirmed legitimacy by the election of a new legislature of the National Assembly. It is no accident that these projects are aimed against the institution that expresses the will of the citizens and is the symbol of democracy. At the same time it is no surprise that private quasi assemblies are created by those who, led expressly by their personal interest, avoid and refuse to get possible support for their positions where it can only be received – in an election.

The connection between these ostensible defenders of democracy and institutions and those who inspire and incite violence and storm the legitimate institutions is obvious.

Violence, attacks against the only real Assembly, fruitless attempts to set up false institutions, none of this will succeed in the meaningless goal to gain power without elections or respecting the will of the citizens of Serbia. Let no one hope that they will succeed in this intent in Serbia with violence, fear-mongering and threats. The state of Serbia and its institutions are strong enough to withstand these challenges.”

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