18 January 2017 Participants of the third meeting of the Economic Caucus

18 January 2017 Participants of the third meeting of the Economic Caucus

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Third Meeting of National Assembly Economic Caucus

The members of the National Assembly Economic Caucus Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic, Zarko Micin, Ognjen Pantovic and Goran Ciric, met with representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, NALED and representatives of the E-Government Alliance businesses, to discuss the Draft Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services.

The Draft Law aims to add speed and efficiency to business dealings, reduce cost of business transactions, develop a trustworthy market, expedite the work of public governance authorities and business entities, and facilitate access to the users of public and other services. Another positive side the Draft Law would regulate is the electronic signature, a service the user could access on-line and not use an electronic card for signature. Assistant Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Sava Savic said that the Draft Law also provides validity to electronic documents, equating them with paper documents.

The representatives of NALED and E-Government Alliance businesses shared had suggestions how to complete and specify in more detail the provisions of the Draft Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services. One of the suggestions of the eminent businesses was to enable archiving business documentation in electronic form and the destruction of previously digitalized paper documentation which would be both a big savings and release funds for investment, as well as create new jobs.

The Draft Law is to replace two existing laws – Law on Electronic Signature and Law on Electronic Document, and as innovations introduce identification levels, registered delivery and archiving of documents.

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  • 10.00 - the Head of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians Parliamentary Group Prof. Dr Balint Pasztor meets with the Serbian Ambassador in Hungary (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, library)

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